Quick Links
Kell's Fall Difficulty Variants
Load-In And Trickster Skirmish
Exploring The Fortress
Fighting Pits - The Mad Bomber
Locate The Sanctum
Defeat The Mindbender
Defeat The Trickster (Again)
Defeat Fikrul And His Minions
Secret: The Organ
Secret: Illusory Anchors
Destiny 2 has released the final act of Revenant, and Fikrul's story has drawn to a close. It's time to put Fikrul down once and for all in the newest exotic mission, Kell's Fall.
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If you haven't already caught up with Act III, then Bungie's new episodic storytelling model will catch you up to speed as you can play it all in one go.
Completing Kell's Fall will not only finish this episode's story, but you'll also be rewarded with the new exotic shotgun Slayer's Fang. This is going to be a comprehensive guide, so buckle up.
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Kell's Fall Difficulty Variants

Like all Exotic Missions, Kell's Fall has the Standard and Expert difficulties, with a Power Cap of 1955 and 2015 respectively. The Standard difficulty only has elemental surges and threats active, but the Expert variant offers challenges like Overload and Unstoppable Champions.
Because your level has a -15 Power handicap, enemies hit much harder than normal.
Objectives and puzzles are the same between Standard and Expert.
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Load-In And Trickster Skirmish

When you load in, you'll find Scorn watching your every movement as you approach the fortress. You won't be able to fight the Scorn yet, so relax and enjoy the scenery. Some dialogue will happen while you make your way up, till you reach the entrance.

Once you arrive at the entrance, it's weapons-free. Araskes, the Trickster, will spawn with a bunch of adds. As the warmup to the chaos that'll ensue later, you don't have to stress too much as it's not a restricted zone.
She will occasionally go invisible and drop mines where she was last seen. The Trickster is particularly slippery, but she's not very aggressive.
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Depleting a third of her health forces the Trickster to retreat, ending the warm-up encounter. The doors swing open, and you can enter the Fortress proper.
Exploring The Fortress

You'll notice a large Scorn boss at the end of the cathedral. You won't be able to fight him (yet), as he'll disappear the moment you enter the fortress.

At the far end of the room is a large organ, the perfect instrument for a gothic, vampire hunter theme of this season (I mean, Episode). You can play the organ and reveal some secrets, but we'll get to that later. For now, make a left and ascend the stairway.
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There's a brazier at the end of the corridor, which will be one of the main puzzles of this mission. Light it by interacting with it, and it'll open a door nearby.
Once you're in the Mirror Gallery, you'll find that some areas are inaccessible, and some new, hidden paths can be opened up by shooting some glowing rubble. Keep making your way through the fortress, and you'll come across a tall mirror.

Crow's dialogue will reveal that shooting these mirrors (with glowing red cracks) will open up a portal to the mirror dimension.
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Everything in the mirror dimension is shimmering and pink, and there are some secrets nearby. For now, let's focus on making it to the next encounter.
You'll fight through some adds and powerful enemies in the mirror dimension, and you'll find another mirror. There should be a brazier in the mirror dimension and the real world. Lighting them will open another door.
Keep moving until you arrive at a rallying point. You'll arrive at the first real encounter: The Fighting Pits.
Fighting Pits - The Mad Bomber

After you've rallied, enter the room, and adds will spawn, along with two yellow-bar Abominations that are protected by immunity shields, named "Pit Enforcers." For now, ignore the adds and open the portal to the mirror dimension.
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There, you'll encounter strand-wielding Weavers, Grim, and Scorn Lurkers. Killing Weavers will drop three motes each, which you'll pick up to acquire "Revenant Essence."
Acquiring ten stacks of Revenant Essence will give you Revenant Empowerment, which you'll take and return to the real world.

With Revenant Empowerment, you can finally use it to bring down the pesky immunity shields of those Abominations (and subsequent bosses).
Once they're both dead, Kaniks the Mad Bomber will spawn. Surprise! The Trickster is here too!
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Thankfully, the Mad Bomber is a pushover and has no noteworthy attacks that you should keep an eye out for. This will be an easy fight for you.
Locate The Sanctum

This section of the mission will include a (very annoying) jumping puzzle, as most of the ledges are almost beyond reach, so let's hope your jumping skills are up to par!
You can use any movement tech you have at your disposal—Lion Ramparts, Eager Edge swords, Grapples—as long as you make it to the end.
While you're climbing on the metal Eliksni huts, you might be confused about where to go next, because I sure was. Look down, and you'll see a dimly lit entrance to a cave. Jump down--it won't kill you.
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You'll arrive at the Vestibule, where you'll face Hiraks, the Mindbender.
Defeat The Mindbender

Enter the mirror portal, and you'll notice at the top of your HUD a debuff titled "Refracting. " This debuff will give you around two minutes before you have to return to the real world.
Like the Trickster fight, remove about a third of the boss's HP, and he'll retreat, so make sure to damage him as fast as you can. Any super or weapon that deals high burst damage will do the trick.
After the first phase, veer left towards any one of the two holes on the left-hand side of the sanctum. A bunch of Thralls and Cursed Thralls will greet you on your way in. Clear them out, and run through the corridor.
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Keep an eye out for any braziers, as there are two possible locations they can spawn in the mirror dimension. There's one in a small gap on the path through the left entrance and another on the right entrance.
Once you're through the corridor, you'll come across a chasm and ledges populated by Acolytes and Wizards. At the end of the room is the exit mirror. You may choose to make a beeline and ignore the Hive or engage them. You'll still need to keep an eye out for your "Refracting" timer.

In the real world, you'll need to light two nearby braziers to open a door. Based on our runs, there should be one in the mirror dimension and two in the material plane.
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The door you've opened will be high up on the wall opposite the mirror. Head through the door to begin the second phase.
The second phase is the same as the first. Damage the boss until he retreats, and then run through the exit door. You'll go through another mirror into the mirror dimension, and back into the initial sanctum room.
Kill the boss, but watch out for the massive wave of adds that spawn near him, along with an Ogre that spawns in the middle of the sanctum.
Defeat The Trickster (Again)

You'll face the Trickster one last time in the penultimate section of Kell's Fall. Chase her up a spiral staircase while clearing hordes of Scorn and Grim.
Watch out for the counterfeit ammo bricks she scatters and wait for her to stop moving before lighting her up with everything you've got.
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You can't wipe here, so you can have a little bit of fun. Once the Trickster is dead, and you're at the top, the door to the final section will open.
Defeat Fikrul And His Minions

It's time for your final showdown with Fikrul. Before you begin, make sure you bring a good mid-range DPS weapon and a build with high survivability. Don't forget abilities or weapons that can stun both Overload and Unstoppable Champions.
The encounter begins with a simple add clear section. Scorn will spawn around the arena, and try prioritizing the void-shield Chieftains that summon invulnerability totems.
Make sure you also have good cover management, as Fikrul's ranged attacks can quickly put you down, especially in Expert mode.
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Pay close attention to the mirror at the end of the room. Eventually, Fikrul will start a wipe mechanic and charge his staff. That's your cue to jump into the mirror portal.
Once you're in the mirror dimension, you'll encounter a healthy mix of Dread and Scorn. Like the Mad Bomber encounter, you'll need to collect 10 Revenant Essences from Weavers (and Champions in Expert). Once you're at 10 stacks, you'll be able to leave the arena and face one of Fikrul's minions.

If you've already completed Act 3 and this isn't your first time, then you'll fight Fikrul.
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If you're fighting Fikrul, then he'll spawn in front of the exit mirror and begin his wipe mechanic. You may interrupt it by shooting the mirror, which will stun him and start the damage phase. You'll only have a few seconds of DPS, so make it count.
Make sure to pump everything you have into the boss. Don't neglect your Supers, grenades, and powerful DPS weapons. Once you've finished this encounter, you'll be awarded the Slayer's Fang Exotic Shotgun.
Secret: The Organ

Now that we've completed the exotic mission for the first time, it's time for the secrets.
As previously mentioned, you may notice an organ sitting comfortably at the end of the cathedral. The organ has a total of 13 keys, each corresponding to a note. Each note corresponds to a number, 1-13, from left to right. The image above is included for reference purposes.
You can play the organ by shooting the notes while standing on the panel in the middle of the contraption.
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Currently, there are eight known codes, each with its unique little secret. Some are also crucial in locating the items to unlock the Intrinsic upgrades for Slayer's Fang. You'll know you've got the right input if there's a dialogue in your HUD confirming it. If not, it'll say something like "the melody does not resonate."
If acquiring upgrades for your exotic shotgun is your only concern, you'll need only the three codes below:

2-11-1-10-7-6 unlocks a door on the right side of the organ. Where you would normally go left to continue the mission, make a right. Ascend the stairs and go all the way to the end of the bluish corridor until you find an item on the floor. Picking it up will give you the Nightsworn Sight II Intrinsic perk.
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1-4-11-1-4-10 unlocks a door in the mirror dimension at the Mirror Gallery (or yrellaG rorriM). Once you've cleared the area of adds, you'll find a large room, and there should be a door that's open on the left side. You'll find a knife on the floor, which will give you the Nightsworn Sight III Intrinsic perk.
1-8-1-6 unlocks a door in the Vestibule near the rally point before you fight the Mindbender. Your goal is to find and light three braziers. One should be at the door before you rally, and the other two are in the mirror dimension of the room right before you encounter Hiraks. Once you've lit the braziers, a door near the rally point will open, revealing another opened door. Go through it, grab the urn, and you'll get the Nightsworn Sight IV intrinsic perk and an exotic tonic.
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The next five codes are easter eggs, but they are still fun to discover nonetheless.
Playing 1-8-1-9 will display the dialogue, "The melody twists your stomach in knots. You've made a terrible mistake." So far, this does nothing and only seems to be there to spook you.
Fallout Plays reports that this code gives you a Festival of the Lost candy. I didn't receive a candy while running this mission, so this could either be false or a bug.

Entering the code 1-8-4-11-1-6-4-10 will display the dialogue, "The melody sounds like a child, yearning for his father." This unlocks the door to a hut in the jumping puzzle before the Mindbender fight. In the hut, you'll see that Fikrul has set up a pretty sad-looking shrine dedicated to Crow/Uldren.
1-8-1-11-9 displays the message, "The melody sends a chill down your spine. What have you done?" Some players report receiving candy or tonics, but I've also received neither. Other than that, there are no known effects.
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4-7-9-6-2-6-7-1 plays a very familiar tune: Savathun's song. Correctly inputting this melody will trigger Savathun's iconic cackle.

The final code, 10-4-6-1-11-4-8-1, will display the message, "the melody pulls you towards a harmonic presence--violent and sublime" before teleporting you to fight the Scorned Organist boss fight, which is crucial to completing the Act 3 Key Fieldwork quest.
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Even though you can't wipe in this boss fight, you can easily get overwhelmed by the many adds that spawn and a Tormentor (when was the last time you've seen one of these things?). Damaging the boss to half-health will cause him to go into an immunity state, which you'll need to kill the Tormentor to bring down.

Completing this boss fight and returning to Eido to finish the key fieldwork will reward you with the Spectroscopic Shell cosmetic for your Ghost.
Secret: Illusory Anchors
Illusory Anchors are hidden objects scattered throughout the mission, and can only be revealed by aiming down sights with the Slayer's Fang. You'll know they're nearby when you hear strange chimes and its near-transparent silhouette. You can only destroy them with the exotic shotgun.
These almost-invisible crystals come in sets of three, each rewarding you with a Catalyst perk.
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First, you'll need the quest "Revenant Slayer" from Eido to begin earning your Catalysts.
All Illusory Anchors are located in different areas in the mirror dimension. For exact locations, refer to the galleries below:
- First Set - Mirror Gallery
- The first one is to your left when you enter the first mirror.
- The second is in the tree root room after your encounter with the Scorn, to the left of the room where you might also find the knife for the intrinsic perk.
- The third and final one is nearby and should be at the opposite end of the room, near where the tree root ends, right in front of a pair of tall doors.
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- Second Set - Fighting Pit
- The first one is easy to spot, as it's in the middle of the arena.
- Another is tucked in a side room, hovering in a cubby.
- The final one is at the edges of the arena, tucked between two statues.
- Third Set - Vestibule
- The first anchor is hovering in a nook right behind where you first enter the mirror dimension.
- The second is immediately to your right in the room where you fight the Mindbender. Make sure to clear everything before you collect it.
- The last one is in a corner near the area before you fight the hive wizards.
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- Fourth Set - Throne Room
- The most obvious one is in front of the throne, at the end of the arena.
- The second one is in the corner on the right side of the center mirror. The anchor is way up against the wall.
- The final one is in a small room opposite the exit mirror or throne. Enter the room and turn right, and you'll see it.
Now that you have every Intrinsic and Catalyst, you'll be able to fully customize your new exotic shotgun.
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